Category Archives: Salvation

June 3-4th, 2014 -Come Celebrate YHWH’s Festival of Shavuot !

Shavuot  celebrates the Giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai to Moses. It is the Jewish PENTACOST because it occurs 50 days after PASSOVER. The Jews counted 49 days after Passover until this day and called it the Counting of the Omer as it coincided with the BARLEY harvest. When the disciples were together in the upper room this was the FEAST they were celebrating. This was when the Ruach Ha’Kodesh was given after the ascension of YaHushuWaH Ha’ Meshiach to heaven. It was also the first day that a WHEAT offering could be made unto YaHuWaH.

5/26/14- Memorial Day- The Oration of the Ruach Ha’Kodesh. Isaiah 1:18

Come Let Us Reason Together

Come Let Us Reason Together

I just want to send a personal message out there today for all of the Elect of YaHuWaH. I don’t know about you,  but things have been pretty silent and calm here with me for the past few days. I don’t know what is brewing, but I don’t like the fact that Pope Francis is in Israel. That shill is EVIL. They are wanting to set up a one world religion now (Chrislam) which we have all been warned about.

All RELIGION is man-made.

Anything that has a COLLECTIVE, COMMUNISTIC, mentality is not of YaHuWaH. God made us as INDIVIDUALS. We all have unique fingerprints, ear biometrics, and retina’s. We are all entitled to our own thoughts, ideas, creativity, and expression.

Political correctness is NOT OF GOD. You don’t go along to get along. These radical leftist extremists preach TOLERANCE and yet they are the most INTOLERANT bunch of hypocrites  out there!

YaHuShuWaH (Jesus) was NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT, and you shouldn’t be either! He came down on the establishment of his day. Sure he preached love thy NEIGHBOR – but “HIS NEIGHBOR” had qualifiers. He gave the parable about the GOOD SAMARITAN to show that it was the essence of the person’s intent of their heart that made them YOUR NEIGHBOR. If they wanted to rip you off, steal from you, one up you, look down on you, force you to conform to their ideology, etc… then, THEY ARE NOT YOUR NEIGHBOR. PERIOD.

YaHuWaH wiped out many cities in the past. Was that unloving?? Hell no… They were reprobates to his WORD and INSTRUCTIONS about how they should be living their lives. They didn’t have any regard for their Creator or his TORAH, and they manufactured their own gods to suit their own agendas. Mankind has been doing this for thousands of years.

The Roman Catholic Church is probably the worst (The Whore of Babylon), along with Mohammed and Islam. Combining the two will make HELL ON EARTH for sure. That’s Ha Satan’s plan. There just doesn’t seem to be any getting around it. Your not going to be raptured off of the Earth unless you are part of his Elect… Even then, that is circumspect. YaHuWaH did promise  to make a way THROUGH the TRIBULATION. He said he would spread his wings over us like a mother hen. He would COVER US.

I’ve been watching CNN pretty frequently since the whole MH370 jet disappeared, and the whole scenario is pathetic. They have to create most of these dramas to have a job. A lot of stuff is just plain staged. Life is actually pretty mundane for most of us, while it’s entertainment to them. Something to watch. Just like the Romans liked killing for sport. Pretty much nothing has changed.

The majority of people are content with being in the Matrix. It’s not til they get older, that they  realize -Hey wait a minute! WTF have I been being played for all my life? What a fool I am! I go to work everyday (or NOT). I pay my bills, buy their crap, eat their GMO food. Get their engineered  diseases, go to their doctors, buy their drugs…(OR alcohol). Pay for their real estate which they own- not you.( If you do own it outright, they will make damn sure to try to steal it back from you through eminent domain, government regulations, EPA, etc…)

You gotta laugh and give this shit up folks…IT’S TEMPORAL.

They want to KILL YOU if and when you stop producing for them and paying in to their system. Now they are totally overloading the system with indigent who don’t produce anything. That’s to finish off the rest of you who are. To make you angry as hell to fight over your shit which you worked so hard to get and these lowlife haven’t done anything to deserve anything. Level the playing field for the middle class so it’s totally wiped out and the 1% elitists at the top have it all at your expense.


I don’t know what the answer is, except that our World Governments are totally out of control,  and they run the governments behind the scenes. When I say THEY,  I mean the DEMONIC PRINCIPALITIES governing our planet. It’s all a test to see where your priorities are.


do you love what He can do for you? Most people want HIS STUFF or a GET OUT OF HELL FREE PASS .

It’s time to get SERIOUS with our Creator folks. DO WHAT IS RIGHT! CLEAN UP YOUR ACTS. Be CONSISTENT in your life. BE HONEST and TRUTHFUL. YaHushuWaH is the WAY OF TRUTH. You can’t be living a LIE and think you are pleasing God.  AND

if  YOUR TRUTH is inconsistent with GOD’s TRUTH (HIS WORD)  then guess who needs to change? DUH?

The word MEMORIAL stems from two words. MEM and ORIAL. Mem as we discussed in a prior post about the Kabbalah comes from the Feminine Ruach Ha’ Kodesh side of YaHuWaH’s Tree of Life. The WATER/EMOTIONAL  SIDE. Orial is to Orate speech, to proclaim,  and is verbally driven. The AIR/INTELLECTUAL SIDE.

The Word of YaHuWaH today is Isaiah 1:18.

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. It’s time to REPENT!


Time is running out…Make this day a Memorial to Yourself.

This is the day I gave my life back to God.

His name is YaHuWaH. Every knee shall bow at that name.

Yah Bless and Keep Your Children.


Preparing for WW3, Tribulation, and the Antichrist


The Messiahs name is YaHushuWaH  (YHWH) Ha’Mashiach and the “Holy Spirit” is the

FEMININE  aspect of YaHuWaH, the Ruach Ha’Kodesh.

Psalm 118- Happy Passover! His name is YaHuWaH!

4/14/14- The Passover-The Destiny of Malaysian Flight MH370


Over the course of this past month the events of March 8th have been revealed to me by YaHuWaH. We discussed from the beginning the diversionary plan to subvert the flight to Diego Garcia by the Saturnian Rothchild Cabal to hijack the 20 Freescale scientists and the weaponized RFID nanochip cargo. We discussed the crew and their complicent cooperation with this plan along with the US military.

YaHuWaH had the plane confiscated in midair over Penang, Malaysia using a cloaked mother ship commandeered by Micheal. The plane was basically sucked up to 45,000 ft. by the ship. The passengers were rendered unconscious at this point and Michael took over the command of the plane. They used a download from DELL, Panang  to help direct the plane and navigate it to a safe pickup location.  All cell phone service was jammed. The cargo was unloaded and taken to NM via a fleet of smaller craft and dumped at  White Sands Military base in NM and exploded with thermite to irradicate the weaponized nanochips rendering them inactive and benign. (some had biologicals attached to them as well).

Some say they eye witnessed the plane flying low over the Maldives also. They did dip down to a lower altitude over Diego Garcia and re-piloted the plane to dispose of the bodies of the 12 crew members and 20 scientists to show the Army who was boss here.  (the Popping 300 object disappearing debris field). It had been the Military’s intention to dump the plane as they now have scripted in the Indian Ocean after they got their payload off .  The 207 remaining passengers were to have been a sacrifice to Isis (Goddess of sailors) . The plane was, however, then picked up and taken back on board  the celestial ship. I was told the destination was the Valley of Vision for the 200 passengers and the 7 MALAK that were aboard the ship. There are future plans for the 777 jet as well. The 200 are in training for YaHuWaH’s plan to lead China to a saving knowledge of him in these last days. They will be the Lords over the Valley of Vision.

The Valley of Vision is the Silicon Valley. They are either there or on a ship hovering over there, or in a parallel reality. They did stop over Hawaii for refueling for the 777  jet and obtained new passports/identification for the plane and passengers. (Got this info from Psychic Keith Watson who saw 3 Islands and a curve). The 200 are safe and will be returning to Earth sometime over the next 20 years. The 7 Malak will not be returning. They are the seven angels that reside over San Franciso Bay. Those are their thrones or dominions  here on the EARTH. I believe Angel Island will be a introductory point to the 200’s  integration back into society and quite possibly they will be given jobs working in the Napa Valley. They will learn how to gather grapes as they are being trained as Reapers.

We talked about Isaiah 22 and the judgement on San Francisco with a great Earthquake. We also talked about Nancy Pelosi, Bloomberg, Blackstone, Jacob Rothchild, and Bohemian Grove as being part of the reason for YaHuWaH’s judgement of the USA Pacific Coast with their liberal hedonistic, homosexuality, Babylonian practices and Transhumanism agenda. We also discussed the Main Stream Media’s Satanic Rituals to try to spin the search to Perth, Australia so as to justify the millions of dollars to spend for the Vatican so they can map the energy ley lines for their Satanic Rituals. Their use of Mnemonics, Harmonics,  and Mass Mind control techniques of the unsuspecting masses. They are also into TREASURE HUNTING big time and we will discuss this in our next post.

The PASSOVER is all about coming out of Egypt and being delivered by the Savior from all this insidious evil. The passengers of MH370 have been given a rare opportunity and have been freed from our 3D Matrix cabal run by the Illuminati Satanists, Draconian Greys, Freemasons, and Saturnian occultists. YaHuWaH is just getting started. He is in control and


Those people are in a much better place they those of us here. They have been transported  into a new and better parallel reality. They have been delivered out of EGYPT.



4/12/14. YaHuShuWaH turns the Water into Wine. He who has ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Families of MH370.


He chooses only the finest grapes.


Isaiah 22. The Valley of Vision- Lesson 2- The Judgement of The Silicon Valley

silicon (Saturn Cube) Chips

The Valley of Vision is where we said the surviving passengers of MH370 have been taken.

They are in the Silicon Valley or they are being educated about the Silicon Valley and it’s soon to be DEMISE.

They were picked up in Penang, Malaysia via YaHuWaH’s celestial ship in midair piloted by “Michael”, YaHuWaH’s,  #1 Commander.

Isaiah 22: Vs. 1

The Burden (Cargo) of the “Valley” (Dell) of Vision (Seer or Visionary).

DELL-A small, secluded, and often wooded valley.

Dell Inc. is an American privately owned multinational computer technology company based in Round Rock, Texas, United States, that develops, sells, repairs and supports computers and related products and services. Bearing the name of its founder, Michael Dell, the company is one of the largest technological corporations in the world, employing more than 103,300 people worldwide.

As opposed to the ENEMY Cube of Saturn we discussed previously …

Dell, Inc. is based in ROUND ROCK, TX. It also has a huge operation in Penang, MALAYSIA, right where we said YaHuWaH’s  celestial UFO abducted MH370. This is not to say that DELL was behind it, but someone on the plane,(most likely Phillip Wood of IBM tried to call DELL in Penang for SOS). China mobile phones were jammed, however. YaHuWaH then would have run a download on Micheal Dell for more information.

He is one of ours. A GOOD GUY.

Unbeknownst to him,  he has helped subvert a horrible electronic/biological warfare disaster. (Weaponized RFID Nanochips).

Thanks Micheal(s).


Verse 2-7  goes on to describe a GREAT  Earthquake (HAARP) in the San Francisco Valley as a JUDGEMENT from YaHuWaH against the Silicon Valley

for setting up the demise of ISRAEL and for conspiring with ELAM (Iran) to do so. Elam was a matriarchal society, thus women leading over men and all society. In general, women’s rights in Mesopotamia were not equal to those of men, but in early periods women were free to go out to the marketplaces, buy and sell, attend to legal matters for their absent men, own their own property, borrow and lend, and engage in business for themselves. High status women, such as priestesses and members of royal families, might learn to read and write and be given considerable administrative authority. Numerous powerful goddesses were worshiped; in some city states they were the primary deities .

verse 8-    They have met in secret at the Palace of the Forest (BOHEMIAN GROVE) to plot and plan this cyber/electronic  attack against JERUSALEM.

verse 9-11 The walls are FIRE WALLS of infrastructure that have or will be hacked. It sounds like Israel’s WATER SUPPLY will be key.

verse 12-14 Pronounces God’s Judgement against California’s Silicon Valley  for this TRESPASS against Almighty GOD.

Iran will circumvent and invade the area to their own advantage. The leaders in California will FLEE TO THE HILLS   or



Next Who is SHEBNA?




Who was Hilkiah? Restoring the Lost Law (Lesson 1- The Valley of Vision Isaiah Chap 22) The Destiny of Flight MH370 survivors.



HILKIAH – Restoring The Lost Law
2 Kings 22:8

Our lesson focuses upon one of the great heroes of the Old Testament. Hilkiah was a High Priest who served during the reign of King Josiah.  He is the man who discovered the lost Book of God. The spiritual situation in Judah was deplorable when Josiah became King. He ascended the throne after two of the most evil Kings of the Southern Kingdom had led Judah very far away from God’s will. King Josiah was Judah’s last hope of being saved from exile. Assuming the throne when he was only eight years old meant that he would be tutored by the High Priest until he reached a mature age. The King surrounded himself with godly advisors who would support Josiah’s efforts to bring Judah back to God’s will.  Josiah faced a nation who had given themselves totally to idolatry. The Temple was filled with images of pagan gods. There remained only a “memory” of God’s Word because the written Word had been lost. Josiah faced an enormous task.  Among those upon whom Josiah leaned for counsel and support was the High Priest Hilkiah.

The History of Hilkiah
There are a number of men identified by this name in the Old Testament. The one in our lesson is first mentioned in 2 Kings 22. He was serving as the High Priest under King Josiah. Hilkiah’s name meant “Yah is my Portion”. He is forever known as the man in the Old Testament who gave people God’s Book!  At this time in history, the Book of God had vanished. People knew about its teachings but they had never seen it or read from it.  He was trusted to find the proper understanding of God’s will. When King Josiah needed to know what God’s will was, he selected a committee of respected men to go to the prophetess Huldah. The King trusted each of these men to tell him God’s will.

Josiah wanted the pagan articles purged from the Temple. The King appointed Hilkiah to do this. Evidently the High Priest was known as one who would do this important task and his leadership would compel others to do it as well. He was thus known for devotion and zeal and commitment to YahuWaH. He recognized the value of God’s Book and the urgency to get its information out to the people. Hilkiah knew the value of The Book of the Law.

He also is listed among the spiritual leaders of Israel who freely donated items for the restored Passover celebration (2 Chr 35:8). This indicates his unselfishness and his loyalty to God.  He also had a fantastic influence in getting Judah to restore Scriptural worship to God (2 Chr 35:18). Read the text and observe what Hilkiah’s influence led God’s people to do – they abolished pagan practices, destroyed alters to Baal, remove vessels dedicated to idols, remove the images dedicated to the sun, moon, and stars, abruptly stopped the child sacrifices, crushed to pieces the alters erected by Manasseh in the Temple’s courts, they even razed the high places scattered throughout Israel. Throughout the entire region, reformation was the order of the day. There was “zero tolerance” for anything/any one connected with idolatry.  All of this happened because of the influence of Hilkiah!

He brought the Word of God out of hiding! The Scripture became public because Hilkiah brought it to the King’s attention. This one aspect of Hilkiah’s life is probably the best remembered. Why had the Law of the Lord been lost?

“It would seem that the written law of God had passed from human knowledge, lost in the haze of heathenism, which so long had enveloped the land … yet the narrative clearly indicates that king and people were strangers to its contents … The natural meaning is that the written law had been lost, its substance meanwhile only existing in memory, or as a tradition”.

Contemplate this tragedy of the lost Torah.    Is this calamity occurring today?

How could this happen?     Is Yah’s word “lost” in our society today?


Restoration IS possible. YaHuWaH is a God of RESTORATION.

The 200 survivors of MH370 will be instrumental in helping to bring this about.





4/7/14- From YaHuWaH to the Family Members of flight MH370


Your loved ones are In the VALLEY OF VISION.


Pagan Easter (Nimrod, Ishtar, Ostara, Asherah, Semiramis) Rites vs The True Passover Lamb