Category Archives: Book of Revelation

Cyberwarfare 101

Just some background info from a Silicon Valley Expert. This guy seems pretty decent. It’s the non-humans manipulating this in the background that we need to be cognizant of. They have a very malevolent agenda.

Gog, Ma’gog, Me’shech and Tubal – Ezekiel Chapter 38-39

Here we have YaHuWaH talking to the SON OF MAN- the prophet Ezekiel. Ezekiel means “God Strengthens”. One who has been strengthened by YaHuWaH himself. Now How HE does this is a whole other lesson…

At any rate, we have an announcement from YaHuWaH that He is:

against GOG- a Chief “PRINCE” (son a King) In this Case Satan. The King of the AIRWAVES.

from the LAND of MAGOG -(A physical place) Ma meaning the Mother of GOG.
(ex. Lady GAGA comes to mind) The Silicon Valley?

who is the “SON” of Meshech and Tubal. So Meshech and Tubal are not SON of MAN…
They are sons of something else! TUBAL as we stated in a previous post-
comes from the Fallopian tubes so it is a SEED from the woman.
One that has been REMOVED and messed with!

Me’shech is the MYSTERY. The word MACHINE comes to mind and this is what it means. MeShech was the SIXTH
son of Japheth. Here we have the 6. The number of man. But this is not Adamic man. This is MA CHINE man. 666?
CHINA MAN? It also possibly means “who is what Aku is?” in Akkadian, Aku being the name of the Babylonian god of the moon. AKU=ANU . Another MOON being. (China means white porcelain and is made in the fire). Conductors are made of CHINA, Glass, Crystal, etc.. Things made from Fire and extreme pressure. This is a CONDUIT LIFE SOURCE. Not organic. A fiber NETWORK! These are sophisticated cyber intelligences mixed with human DNA. Cyborgs. Part human-part machine.

Also, if you remember the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abeddnigo in the bible? How they didn’t BURN in the fire? Well they weren’t totally HUMAN. They were TRANS HUmans. This technology has been going on for eons…Atlantean stuff. Pre- Noah’s flood stuff.

This is going to be the final straw in YaHuWaH’s battle with “Humanity” . 2/3 will be destroyed because the genome is no longer human. GOG is short for GOOGLE or gog led. GOG is leading the internet or cyberspace arena. This is a battle between organic and inorganic cyberbeings. THE CLOUD is also mentioned in EX 39. WE all know that this too is referring now to CYBERSPACE. The words are all CODE WORDS. GOG has JAWS so he is speaking and he is a MESSENGER. YaHuWaH says he will put HOOKS in his jaws and turn him backwards.He will destroy his BANDS. He is talking about computer viruses (WORMS ARE HOOKS) and BANDS is Band width. It is all about


It will start this way and then manifest in 3D. Horses and Swords must be code words also.
Any computer geeks out there know what these are? Trojan horses?

The battle is not gonna be literally fought with horses and swords folks. Walls falling are firewalls. Swords cut things so maybe cutting off communications somehow? Crashing the system worldwide?

Cutting off power and transformers?

A horse is something you ride on for battle. It was also very fast and easy to navigate with. You sit on it.
Time will tell what this is! A virtual horse? Computer guided Missiles? Drones?

At any rate,

the battle of Har Megiddo will be held in Cyberspace first, and then will go live and nuclear. Har means mountain or a “rising up” and Megiddo means “crowds”. This will involve the whole earth, as this will involve the whole Cyberspace Community Uprising.

The Crowd Mentality (HIVE MIND, Politically Correct, One-World, Mainstream Media )
the Children of YaHuWaH (THE ELECT, Narrow WAY, ONLY WAY, non-Tolerant, Non- Compromising).

EZEKIEL is told to SET HIS FACE against GOG, Meshach and Tubal. Well we now have FACE BOOK…The book of FACES..
Can you see how our Elohim ROCKS!! 2000 years ago and He’s talking about the Internet, THE CLOUD, and Facebook.

That’s my take on this. THE END TIMES are HERE…

More to come…


4/12/15 Are you ready for this???

Petri dish babies
YaHuWaH is about to blow my mind with this teaching.
I don’t understand how the pieces all fit together but they do!

We are going to go back to the original “SIN” in the bible. (SIN=one of Ha Satan’s Collective names).
The result of that SIN was that “EVE” (not her Hebrew name by the way- but given to her by SET as in Sun SET=SIN) was told that she would suffer pain in childbearing. Now why was that??

Also her SEED would be at enmity against Ha Satan’s SEED. Here we have TWO RACES of biological entities on the planet. Natural birth and UN-natural birth. The UN- (UN- get it?) birth being PAINLESS…The hybridization and genetic manipulation program unbeknownst to the woman going on under cover.

It’s still her SEED but it’s being HARVESTED.

Okay, So we have TWO RACES simultaneously being fabricated here. I want to talk about one person IN PARTICULAR now that illustrates this concept as it will BLOW YOUR MIND as it pertains to what is being referred to as the MAGOG WAR in the book of Revelation.

TUBAL-CAIN. Everybody questions why the hyphenated name?? Well it has NOTHING to do with his metallurgy skills per se…Only in the capacity of molecular biology and enzymatic co-factor reactions!!

He was a HYBRID. Tubal is another name for an ECTOPIC preganancy. The egg was not where it should have been!! It was outside the BODY!! It was mixed with CAIN’S sperm. Tubal-Cain was a son of Japheth but he was a petri dish baby! The bible says Naamah was his sister. SO??

Naamah appears in the Zohar as one of the mates of the archangel Samael (SATAN). She, along with her cohort Lilith, causes epilepsy in children. After Cain kills Abel, Adam separates from Eve for 130 years. During this time, Lilith and Naamah visit him and bear his demonic children, who became the Plagues of Mankind.

Okay, so we have the two races being formed. Natural Adamic and Satanic. The Satanic ones bringing PLAGUES on the Earth in the form of Genetic anomalies and malfunctioning beings. This is only the beginning, folks


It is BIOLOGICAL HUMANS vs TRANS or ENGINEERED HUMANS (Satanists) and I’ll prove it!!

More to come…

3/30/15 Concerned citizen AB writes demand letter to UK Ministry of Justice for Protection Order for Whistleblower kids.

Dear Ministry of Justice,
I remind the Ministry of Justice of the Infringement Notice issued against the UK in relation to violations against EU Directives:
The actions of the MoJ in this case as presented below, will reflect on further legal evidence toward that Infringement, should British Authorities continue to act in ignorance of EU Law and with calls for economic sanctions against Britain via the EU Council who may be aware of this case and its multiple infringements of EU Law – due to this EU Petition:
Please be on LEGAL NOTICE that on receipt of this information you are now a witness and a legally recognised Authority to whom a report of serious risk to British children has been alleged and is supported by multiple witnesses, circumstantial evidence and multiple professional medical facts.
In ignoring and/or failing to act on this information, you are personally and as an authority, complicit and criminally negligent according to EU & UK Law.
As you know, UK Law operates on previous Court Judgements which are then set as a precedent for future Judgements unless, evidence arrives to alter those judgements according to certain facts.
Read below – presented as a ‘famous’ example in Human Rights to a Fair Trial. The issue here is ‘restrictive order’ and ‘fair trial’ – which in this case, relates to a mother and her children who are respectively, suffering threat of arrest and taken into state custody.
Case study
The control order regime enacted by the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (and still in force at the time of publication) imposes severe restrictions, including house arrest, on anyone suspected of being involved in terrorism-related activity. Under the policy, the Secretary of State makes a decision as to whether a control order should be made and the courts then consider the decision made. In many cases, control orders have been made on the basis of closed material – where the person subject to the control order has never been given the chance to see the case against them.

The House of Lords held in June 2009 that this breached the right to a fair trial under Article 6. The Law Lords held that a person subject to such a restrictive order had to be given sufficient information to know the essence of the case against him or her. It was held that there could never be a fair trial if the case against a person was based solely or to a decisive degree on closed materials and where any open material consists only of general assertions. The Court held that in conducting control order hearings judges must consider whether material needs to be disclosed to ensure the fairness of the trial.’
It was held that there could never be a fair trial if the case against a person was based solely or to a decisive degree on closed materials and where any open material consists only of general assertions.
Justice Pauffley’s judgement recent High Court Judgement against said Mother in relation to her children’s allegations of serious sexual abuse against themselves and 20 other “special” children via multiple professionals including teachers, Cafcass officers, social workers and professional-status parents who also are accused of making child pornography, child trafficking and murder of babies, was delivered in ignorance of both UK & EU Law and especially, considering the evidence supporting the mother and children was the ONLY evidence that did NOT depend on ‘ closed materials’ and ‘ general assertions’.
Here is said Judgement:
Medical Reports:
Example of Children’s testimonies via non-abusers: Gabriel:
Example of Children’s testimonies via alleged abusers: Alisa:
All video recordings of both allegations and retractions can be viewed here:
Circumstantial evidence provided by independent investigations due to lack of police investigation – see all video presentations of publicly investigated, circumstantial evidence here:
Foster Carer: “Although we know that they have retracted their statements, the children still, even now keep coming back to the same story and the details, while in the foster care to the degree that it became unbearable for their caretaker C to look after them. She no longer wants to do this.”—Aangirfan
Mother’s Statement:
Please compare ALL of the above evidence to the ‘closed’ and ‘general’ evidence on which Justice Pauffley delivered her judgement.
We have been informed by the Home Office, that this case is presently being investigated by special police unit ‘Operation Hydrant’ (see Home Office attachment sent to the MoJ prior to this email).
In light of this, the recent High Court case legally, SHOULD have been adjourned until further investigations were completed as evidence MAY prove the children’s story true and thereby, deny allegations against the Mother.
In this case, a judgement has been issued amid ONGOING Police Investigations.
It is clear, examining the video testimonies that the children’s retractions ARE coached and are very flimsy when compared to the original allegations which, we CANNOT forget were REPEATED to foster carers.
It was when the children retracted the retractions that legally, mother and her counsel had NO CHOICE except to report their reasonable and supported suspicions in GOOD FAITH to ‘other’ competent authorities which is their LEGAL RIGHT under EU Law: See Sections 26, 28 & 50 – all fully support and request the actions taken by Mother and her Counsel in making this case public in light of negligent and suspect authorities – the LEGAL POINT OF ISSUE HERE IS TO BE SURE THAT MULTIPLE CHILDREN WERE AND ARE NOT BEING ABUSED & MURDERED BY MULTIPLE PROFESSIONALS INVOLVED IN ALL ASPECTS OF PUBLIC AUTHORITY IN CHILD WELFARE.
It is the LACK of assuredness coupled with the REMAINING suspicion supported by the EVIDENCE, that legally demands IMMEDIATE INVESTIGATION: The risk to child safety is both urgent and ongoing. A 12 day ‘fact-finding’ mission via the High Court after MONTHS of negligent inaction, is nowhere near ample enough time, to thoroughly investigate the facts presented in this case which present far too serious a threat to British children to be so casually handled and as casually dismissed by via Court proceedings which themselves, show an equally casual approach to EU & UK Law.
Considering the power of the collective authorities as police, cafcass officers, social workers etc. etc., and as actual suspects, and, considering the serious risk according to EU Legal Directives toward investigating this case AND protecting children SUSPECTED of being at risk according to the lawfully required GOOD FAITH we have in the EVIDENCE, as Ministry of Justice faced with allegedly ROGUE Authorities involving Courts, Police and Child Welfare, it is now your LAWFUL DUTY to IMMEDIATELY ACT and to remove the children from RISK OF HARM until further investigations are completed.
In light of negligent and allegedly abusive authorities, there is no other body of authority for the British public to turn to because according to the evidence, MANY MORE CHILDREN REMAIN AT RISK – the collective powers of alleged abusers amount to a SECRET and Court protected, terrorist threat to the children of Britain.
Considering the ever mounting evidence relating historical crimes of child sexual abuse and even, more recent, via multiple professionals working as MPs, Heads of Police, Councillors, Government Ministers etc., the grounds and cause for our remaining suspicions in this case, are further increased.
According to the evidence presented here, it is well within compassionate reason to realise the very serious risk which arises from the very real POSSIBILITY that two children and 20 other children were and perhaps still are, being repeatedly sexually abused by multiple professionals, that in their professional capacity, those abusers have used the Secrecy of the Family Courts, to abduct the victims/witnesses, intimidate them into retracting their allegations and issue arrest warrants against mother & her counsel in order to imprison them and thereby silence their concerns.
Please, use whatever powers you can
to issue an Emergency Care Order to protect the children from further RISK.
Please deliver the children to the SAFETY AND COMFORT of their family London home where their grandparent’s await.
Please CONSIDER the IMMENSE trauma that BRITISH AUTHORITY NEGLIGENCE in handling this case has put those children through, in the sense, they have MERCILESSLY handed those children over to alleged abusers in IGNORANCE of EU Law.
According to EU Law, the ONLY child testimonies to have legal credibility are those given when in hands of non-abusers. Though Mother and partner are now accused as ‘abusers’, it is very CLEARLY explained here exactly WHY that Judgement is VOID and actually, has NO legal foundation.
Foster Carers are NOT cited as abusers which means the allegations given to parties of mother, police and foster carers and other witnesses are considered FREELY GIVEN, while retractions are all in secret and while in care of alleged abusers are not legally accepted as ‘freely given’ – according to EU Law the original allegations (especially after they were repeated with accusations that retractions were via intimidation while in control of alleged abusers) are the ONLY allegations that can be granted PRECEDENCE toward warranting a FULL and IMMEDIATE investigation into this case.
ALL of the evidence presented here is INFORMING the Ministry of Justice of SERIOUS ongoing RISK to British children. It is your public DUTY to ACT and to use your powers to protect children in light of there being NO OTHER AUTHORITY PREPARED TO ABIDE BY THE LAW AND PROTECT CHILDREN FROM RISK AND HARM OF ABUSIVE AUTHORITIES.
This is a public demand delivered via a public judgement on this case in light of and according to both EU and UK LAW. It is our legal right as a legally recognised competent authority in this case and having examined all related evidence, to issue this judgement as an interim solution prior to the pending results of present and ongoing Police Investigations via Operation Hydrant.

We the public therefore request that the Ministry of Justice supports our sound and lawful judgement which hereby, issues an ‘Emergency Protection Order’ for the IMMEDIATE* transference of said children from care of present authorities and into care of their grandparents.
* You are on Notice to act IMMEDIATELY on receipt of this information and to make every effort toward ensuring the return of the children to their grandparents. We are aware that the day of this Notice is issued on a Friday and we order that nonetheless, the urgent need in light of the continued and reasoned RISK, cannot lawfully be ignored over the weekend ; the Public Order is that the children are swiftly removed from control of allegedly abusive/suspect authorities.
Failure to honour our Democratic Judgement and public request for our Legal Order, will lead to further charges of Infringement of EU Directives against British Authorities and of which, the Ministry of Justice itself will now be directly implicated.
Yours Sincerely,
Miss AB, as a British Citizen, as an accepted, public representative and spokesperson on behalf of mother, her counsel and the children of Britain, and as an experienced and enlightened independent, authority on the issues of both law and assessment of risk related to this case.

3/10/15 My Rant about Satanic Covens, Set, Planet of the Apes, and The Day of the Lord…

planet of the apes

Well I want to discuss the recantation of Alisa & Gabriel’s Testimony about Satanic Crimes being committed against them and perpetrated by their father, Ricky Dearman, who is the head of the Satanic Pedophile cult in Hampstead, UK.

I have direct knowledge of this type of thing, being a Survivor of a similar medical cult while growing up in Upstate NY. Children ALWAYS recant, especially when a parent is involved. The police interviewer “Steve” is obviously not trained as a child abuse interviewer, or he is purposefully leading the investigation away from the fact that the dad has caused serious abuse to these two children. He is most likely being paid to do so. I’m sure he is involved.

As for the “Mask of Zorro” bullshit, this is what perps do in these cults. They may even dress up like children’s characters such as Mickey Mouse while the abuse is happening. Then the child says Mickey Mouse touched my privates and no one believes them. In the case of my son, it was “Chucky” did this and “Chucky” did that, from the horror flick about “Chucky”. These people are pros. They also use the various dildos to stretch the anal opening gradually to try to minimize scarring. They even inflate them like balloons to do so, so their is no tearing. These perps obviously got sloppy. They are not real pros like the cult I came from or they are just so damn brazen that they don’t give a shit who knows about it.  It’s probably gotten to that point in the UK. They are above the law. Actually, their is NO LAW there.

Another significant thing was the hierarchy of the “Willies’. Now why would they make that up? Cults do have hierarchies. In my son’s case it was the witches hats they wore. The different witches had different names according to their ages and skills and colored robes for their ranks as well. The fact that dad had the “White” willie is also right on as the White supremest Nazi’s run the whole Cabal. My dad was a member of the “White brotherhood”.  My family are Germans from Alsace Loraine…I am related to Arizona Wilder I believe being part of Dr. Green’s family, AKA Joseph Mengele.

The hospitals are also all involved. When they took the kids to the hospital after the first police interview it was for reprogramming I’m sure of their alter personalities. Anyone raised in Inter-generational Satanism is multiple, having DID-MPD. Gabriel said the abuse had been happening since he was 1 year old. Same with me….

I doubt anything can be done except for people to understand that Satan rules this planet and this is how it’s done. You are all brainwashed to look the other way, and not get involved and basically see no evil, speak no evil, and hear no evil.

You are the apes all right. They see us as animals…The planet of the Apes….Earth…

Well, I got news for them. They  are on NOTICE. Some of us have reclaimed our divine rights bestowed on us by almighty YaHuWaH our creator. He has delivered us from THEM. Their time is SHORT. The Matrix is coming down. This fabricated existence you call reality —is a SHAM. They are SHILLS, FRAUDSTERS, and LIARS just like their daddy Ha Satan.

They are not qualified to do anything..It’s all Bullshit… Remember they worship the BULL from Heaven? The papal BULL?

Well the BULL has been feeding you his CRAP for centuries…

The BULL is SET, ENLIL, SATAN. The golden calf… He’s still here and they still pay homage to him and his sister, ISIS, too I might add.. These pagan demi-god, (fallen angels)  run the show here, but not for much longer.

THEIR DAY IS COMING… THE DAY OF YHWH. (There is no Lord- Lord=Baal). The LAKE OF FIRE.

And it’s not a Health Spa…



Isaiah 1:31. Update on Baby Lisa Irwin case, ISIS, and Raytheon TOW Missile systems.

Flax (TOW)

Flax (TOW)

And the strong shall be as TOW, and the maker of it as a spark, and they shall both burn together, and none shall quench them.

“Tow” is a fiber of the flax plant stem. It is the weight of cotton, but has longer, stiffer fibers. It can be reused. In the early days of muzzle loading guns, “tow” was wrapped around the ramrod’s jag and used for cleaning the bore. Cased sets of antique rifles and pistols  included a hank of “tow”.  “Tow” is easily combustible and is recommended for tinder in starting fires with flint and steel. It is light brown in color.

Pronunciation: neh-o’-reth
Origin: from 05287
Reference: TWOT – 1388b
PrtSpch: noun feminime
In Hebrew: trenh 1, trenl 1
In NET: thread 1, yarn 1
In AV: tow 2
Count: 2
Definition: 1) a strand of flax,tow (as shaken from flax when beaten)

from 5287; something shaken out, i.e. tow (as the refuse of
see HEBREW for 05287

I don’t understand what this has to do with Lisa but it does.

Lisa as we said before, is ISIS incarnate now.

Flax is used to make Linen and Damask fabric. Expensive  Egyptian “threads”…She has been on my thoughts of late so something is up with Lisa Irwin…I do believe she is being used in high children’s fashion  as I said before. I also believe she is a pawn being used by Raytheon/Thales and has been genetically and mechanically manipulated and engineered as an AI being along with her spiritual ISIS identity.

They are probably using some kind of carbon nano  FLAX  “thread” implantation to do so…

Now for the ISIS connection…

TOW  is the US Military’s guided missile systems produced by Raytheon Corporation which means “light from the gods”. A Luciferian Company.

About TOW

  • The tube-launched, optically-tracked, wireless-guided (TOW) weapon system, with the multimission TOW 2A, TOW 2B, TOW 2B Aero and TOW Bunker Buster missiles, is the premier long-range, precision anti-armor, anti-fortification and anti-amphibious landing weapon system used throughout the world today.
  • The TOW weapon system is expected to be in service with the U.S. military beyond 2025.
  • TOW is in service in more than 40 international armed forces and integrated on more than 15,000 ground, vehicle and helicopter platforms worldwide.
  • Raytheon has delivered more than 675,000 TOW missiles to U.S. and allied warfighters.
  • TOW is recognized as a preferred heavy assault anti-armor weapon system for NATO, coalition, United Nations and peacekeeping operations worldwide.
  • Raytheon is headquartered in Waltham, Mass.


FBI note> you might try looking for Lisa in Waltham, Mass….or Dulles, Va.

I’m sure they will be moving her around a lot though… It will take an act of “God” to find her.

Only YaHuWaH can deliver her at this point…

And by the way… YaHuWaH is “God”….


12/30/14- The Rhema Word from YaHuWaH for 2015 – The Story of Gedaliah- Jer: 40-42

This Prophecy is fricking awesome! Please listen with your spiritual ears! The Rabbi here uses the name placeholder Ha’ Shem for YaHuWaH’s name, but he is right on with his knowledge of the Torah. This message is for the Elect or Tzedekim of YaHuWaH.

The ones who have suffered persecution your entire lives just for being born here.

Your redemption draweth nigh!

Hallelu YAH!

Astrotheology- The Procession Of the Equinoxes

YaHuWaH wants to show us how he has written his plan in the Stars. This ties in with the Mazzaroth teaching we did about a year ago. The Hebrew version does not match this Babylonian version, however, Now- I do NOT agree that the “bible” stories are mythology… rather they are instances where the plan has been and will continue to be manifested in 3D here on Earth. So, the story gets played out of many different levels here. (We talked about nested boxes of reality before as an example of how this plays out). From the microcosm of the human body, to the historical record, to the spiritual teachings, to our solar system and to our galaxy and other galaxies, there is a divine pattern to the whole process. It is the Tree of Life model. The numerology is all through the bible, and you will see the divine parallels that can be gleaned. This is an esoteric teaching, so take what you will from it. Some things may not fit your paradigm. Sirius- for one is not ISIS! That is YaHushuWaH- the bright and Morning Star! He is not Satan’s twin. Satan is his own twin, (Venus) so there are things I definitely disagree with with this video.  I think you’ll learn something though, as the heavens do indeed declare the glory of our Creator and you’ll be able to make connections. He SPOKE the universe into existence .  His name is Ya HU wah.   (The HU being the divine vibrational wave pattern! )

As above, so below applies to all of us. He who has ears to hear let him hear the wisdom of the ages.


Your Holy Day Teaching for the Set Apart Ones

The Imposter- Full Length Movie produced by