Category Archives: Book of Revelation

The Most Righteous King that EVER lived- The Story of King Josiah. II Chron. 33-35

Everyone thinks that God’s favorite Kings were King David or King Soloman but the bible says differently. God’s Favorite King was King JOSIAH. At only eight years old he became King of Judah. That would be like making a second grader president of the United States! Furthermore, Josiah came from a lineage of BAD KINGS. EVIL KINGS. His  grandfather was King Manassah whom YaHuWaH despised.  Manassah sold out the Jews. He was a traitor to God’s people. He was the son of King Hezekiah and as such he had no excuse. He re-instituted Pagan polytheistic worship and child sacrifice. He is also thought to have been the murderer of the prophet Isaiah.  His son Amon took over the kingdom upon his death but only reigned for two years. He too was evil and was murdered by his own contemporaries. That left little Josiah at eight years old to take over the Kingdom.

Josiah had help though. He had Godly men and women around him. Hilkiah the High priest, which we wrote about earlier was one of them.Hilkiah discovers a secret scroll hidden in the temple and has it read to King Josiah by his scribe. Josiah is so moved by YaHuWaH’s testimony in the scroll that he rents his garments and truly mourns for the sins of his people and their backslidden ways. He TURNS EVERYTHING AROUND. This is true repentance. He tears down all the High pagan places of worship and destroys everything associated with them including their priests. He has the biggest PASSOVER celebration known to the history of mankind.  He begins repairing the Temple in Jerusalem. He destroys Topheth, which was a place where they sacrificed children to Molech and Baal outside the city in the Valley of Hinnom. This place was a real thorn in YaHuWaH’s side as he NEVER ALLOWED for the SLAYING OF INNOCENTS. YaHuWaH says that thought  had never entered his mind as a form of worship. It was insideous. Topheth equates with Gehenna and Hell because they continually burned the dead carcasses there, and  furthermore it must of stank the high heavens!

Finally he made the entire nation take an oath of alligience and covenant with YaHuWaH… PUBLICALLY.

So Josiah did all of the right things. He was a Just KING. So what happened to him?

This is where the paradox comes in. He gets wounded in the battle of MEGGIDO.

He is taken back to Jerusalem and he dies.


Prior to this battle, he consults with the prophetess Huldah and his overseers as to what to do? Huldah in an interesting character as well. She is a collegiate person. Very well learned in TORAH and a confirmed PROPHETESS. The men are consulting a WOMAN, folks. This kind of throws the whole women are not to speak in the church (Paul heresy) or to usurp a Man’s authority to the way side. (SORRY GUYS!)

She tells him that YaHuWaH is going to Judge Judah big time. DESTROY HER for her abominations. Just saying your sorry and it won’t happen again ain’ t gonna cut it with God. The WAGES of SINNING is DEATH. Sin and death go hand in hand. The SIN follows generationaly, as well. FOR FOUR GENERATIONS. Josiah was only the 2nd  generation after the SINS of Manassah!  He still had to pay that PIPER! (satan) . YaHuWaH promises Josiah though that he will not witness this destruction and that he will die in Peace. He does. He dies and is buried in the CITY OF PEACE, (Jerusalem),  unlike his father and grandfather. Manassah (his grandfather) was buried in his own garden at Uzza.(where have we heard that word before? Al Uzza. ) while Amon, (his father) was buried in his own house!

Josiah was buried with his spiritual father, DAVID.

So where did he go wrong? Why did God speak to King Necho of Egypt to go fight the Babylonians?  Josiah didn’t give up his politics! He was still sided with Babylon politically. He couldn’t stay out of it. He was meddling where he didn’t need to. At this stage of the game it really was beneath him to do so. Spiritually speaking he had come out of Babylon but in a practical earthly sense he hadn’t… He was still trying to play KING OF JUDAH. YaHuWaH didn’t tell him to go to battle.


Let the HEATHEN fight their own battles amongst themselves! You stay out of it. That goes for joining the military in the here and now too. If your in the military you need to get out as soon as you can. It is NOT OF GOD.

Babylon will always be here until YaHuSuWaH returns to utterly destroy HER. And that could be sooner than we think! It could very well be in our lifetime! King Necho was being used of YaHuWaH for a specific purpose. He wasn’t saved. He was a tool. Satan could have told him to go to Meggido for all we know. . At any rate Josiah ends up being

the PASSOVER LAMB that is slain.

It is a “TYPE”  of what is to come with Messiach being OUR PASSOVER LAMB. The LAMB OF GOD. Furthermore, it shows us that the ELECT will not “SEE” this destruction. They will be carried to Jerusalem in the “2nd Chariot”. Josiah is wounded in one chariot and moved to another CHARIOT and taken to Jerusalem out of the battle.  Very interesting imagery Indeed! Maybe even crossing dimensions…

The final battle of MEGGIDO…Better known nowadays as the Battle of Armageddon will also involve much sacrifice. Millions will be slain in this end times massacre. Without the shedding of blood there is no REMISSION of SIN. SIN’s MISSION is to KILL YOU SPIRITUALLY. To re- MISSION SIN (SIN=ha Satan) and sidetrack him from his main mission, Blood must flow.  It’s not YaHuWaH that wants Blood to Flow. It’s SATAN. To appease and redirect him and his main intentions, that’s what has to happen. He does God’s dirty work if you will.  The WAGES have to be paid. That’s why it is SO IMPORTANT that you accept the WAGE PAYER…YaHuShuWaH. He paid the debt but he only paid for those that ACKNOWLEDGE the fact….Those That call upon HIS NAME. The Divine name. YaHuWaH.

Those that appropriate HIM into the equation.

YaHuWaH was and is YaHushuWaH in Human form!

He paid it himself, as only HE COULD. He was and is the I AM . The ONLY WAY.

Won’t you Call upon his NAME and commit to HIS WAY today?  It’s HIS NARROW WAY or the broad highway folks,

and that road leads to  spiritual death. Choose today who you will serve!!


More on the Feast of Tabernacles. This week- 7days… Come party with YaHuWaH!

The Feast of Tabernacles- Sukkot- A Divine appointment with YaHuWaH

Sukkot begins at sundown Wednesday, October 8 and ends at nightfall Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Yom Kippur- Oct 3rd sundown -Oct 4th sundown – A Holy Day of Fasting

Yom Teruah- Sundown Sept 24th – Sundown Sept 26th. The Feast of Trumpets. A Dress Rehearsal for the 2nd Coming of Messiah.

The Feast Of Trumpets, The Rapture, and the Last Trump of the Shofar

We do not believe that Paul was a true apostle, so any books and references to his teachings are circumspect to say the least. ( 1 Thess. & 1 Corinth). We stick with Matthew/ YaHushuWaH and John the Revelator on this one.

Furthermore, we are not promoting any religious denomination such as these gentleman from The United “Church” of God.

There is NO “CHURCH”- The Ecclesia or “called out”  ones are THE ELECT.

The Messengers Of YaHuWaH- The Book of Malachi (Pleural for Malak)

Don't shoot the messenger

YaHuWaH has asked me to teach on this small “Minor” prophet book which is the last book of the “Old” Testament.

First off,

Malachi was not a “person”. This is a group of Messengers or Malak. The ENDTIMELECT. The book was strategically placed at the “END” of the testament because it will mark the ENDTIMES. We will go through each of the four chapters briefly, so that we can see what this group brings to the table and what their function is.

Chapter 1-Here we see the Malak talking to Israel, hence the Malak are NOT Israel. The Malak point out that YaHuWaH does CHOOSE whom He loves. He says He hates ESAU and EDOM and that they have been given over to the DRAGONS. (The VRIL LIZARDS running the Earth.) YaHuWaH has indignation against them FOREVER. They can not be saved… They are not part of His plan… He has NO PART in them… He will destroy anything they try to establish here on the Earth. PERIOD.

He does not accept their offerings, religious acts and ceremonies, religious holidays, sacrifices or prayers. The GENTILES are in better standing with YaHuWaH than this group of self-righteous religious Edomites.  They do not know HIS NAME or PROFESS HIS NAME.  His name is to be professed even among the heathen. He mentions sacrificing the lame, sick and infirm on the altar, thinking it will please God. Thinking they are helping the sick and infirm with their PHARMACON, and scientific experimentation. The SHRINERS come to mind. (33rd degree freeMasons) .That they are somehow earning points with the Almighty. They aren’t.

Chap 2-This chapter is directed at the Levitical priesthood.  The ones who do not profess his HOLY NAME…YaHuWaH. They substitute Adonai or Hashem for the Sacred name. YaHuWaH basically says he will leave them shit-faced! He curses their solemn feasts. The true Levite fears YaHuWaH and knows His name. His job was to judge equitably and in TRUTH and the WORD of YaHuWaH is perpetually on his lips. He turns many away from their iniquities. He is a MALAK par excellence.

The 2nd part deals with his marriage to a STRANGE WOMAN, the daughter of a STRANGE god.  Now who might that be? Who have we been discussing for weeks on end? Duh, ISIS? YaHuWaH says he will cut off ANY man that does this, both the master and the scholar… They know better. They know who that whore is and how she came out of Babylon.  They have forsaken the wife of their youth. The wife of the COVENANT. The Ruach Ha’ Kodesh. They have blasphemed her in lieu of  chasing after this harlot.   As above so below. Divorcing your earthly wives for another down the road goes hand in hand with this teaching. Trade her in for a younger, fresher model… You get the picture.

Finally, calling EVIL GOOD is part and parcel of the times we are living in now… Asking “Where is God? Why isn’t he doing anything? Is God dead? These are all indicators we are living in the End of Days…

Chap 3- This talks about the 2nd coming of YaHuWaH. The one who will be like a refiner’s fire. He will purge the dross from the silver and gold. He will restore judgement  and will bear witness against the sorcerers, the adulterers, liars,  and cheats. He is the Elohim that does not change! He talks about being robbed from His tithes and offerings by the whole nation!  We are to bring the tithes into the storehouse. The tithe was the FIRST FRUITS of your produce. It has nothing to do with M-O-N-E-Y. It has to do with your time, & productivity. Spending quality time with God while nurishing  and feeding your SOUL.

He rebukes the vain person who serves God for profit. The holier than thou types.  They that work iniquity and wickedness behind the scenes. Those who are partial in their judgments. The corrupt legal systems. Those that tempt and bribe God. He contrasts this group with the Elect who FEAR YaHuWaH and reverence HIS NAME. Those whose names he has written in his BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE.  They are his jewels and they shall be spared in that DAY OF HIS DIVINE JUDGEMENT.  The two groups will be separated and it will be self-evident as to  who belongs to which group.

Chap 4- Finally, chap 4 deals with the DAY OF THE LORD.  How the wicked will be burnt up as stubble.  The ELECT will tread them under foot. The Towrah which was given to Moses still stands. It is an eternal document. Elijah shall come again before this day.   The Spirit of Elijah shall turn many back to the Towrah and the heritage of Israel, and the teachings and the statutes and judgements of YaHuWaH, which are eternal and forevermore. This is the calling of the ELECT… In the Spirit of Elijah we proclaim the TOWRAH WORD and the SACRED NAME.





Whoopie Goldberg, Oprah, Norman Lear, and the Ferguson, MO False Flag Family Farce. They all belong in Jail.

8/10/14- Sounding off in an Insane World

Jael murders Sisera

Jael murders Sisera

I just want to interject my opinion here at what appears to be a complete unraveling of our society as we know it. This is all by design of course. Like you, I’m sure , I am feeling totally over-whelmed right about now, as to the state of affairs in our world and the constant barrage of horrible news coming off of our television screens. I had to take a break for a day to gather my thoughts and to remind myself that nothing can happen without YaHuWaH’s permission, so this must all have a place in his End Times plan.

So far, we have some pretty significant wars in the Middle East and in the Ukraine.  I don’t really understand the whole Ukrainian thing, quite frankly. I think the MH17 crash was a FALSE FLAG operation. I never got the feelings about that crash that I did for the MH370 disappearance. There were too many conflicting stories about MH17 and even to the point of some eye witnesses saying they were dummies on board. New passports being seen taken out of a van and being strewn on the ground …The whole thing being staged…

The Hamas-Israel conflict got the brunt of my attention last week seeing as Jerusalem is the apple of YaHuWaH’s eye and future location of his kingdom here on Earth. The “Palestinians” (there is no such race of people) have no claim to that land, as it was given to the Jews by God himself when he told Moses to go there and take possession of Canaan. They are the squatters, That’s not to say that we should murder innocent civilians for being displaced, but ISLAM is a menace to society and should be OUTLAWED. There are NO GOOD MUSLIMS. If they follow the Koran then they want you DEAD if you are not a Muslim. Mohammed killed and tortured anyone that did not convert just as ISIS is doing now in Iraq, They rape and pillage the women and children and brutally behead the males and starve the elderly to death. This is exactly what they are doing in Iraq now to the Yezidi tribes and to Iraqi Christians AND to any Shite Muslims also I might add.  These people are BARBARIANS. The RED Horsemen.

Next we move to the whole EBOLA nightmare. Here we have the Nightmare beginning her work, bringing plague to the four corners of the Earth. The Black Horseman. Bringing those two Americans back to a public facility in the United States is a CRIME against Humanity. They had no right to do that. The ONLY method of containing this virus is QUARANTINE. You think they are going to tell you when hospital workers start getting sick in Atlanta? You gotta be kidding me! This is about PHARMACON running the show. They don’t give a rat’s ass about those people… Just how they can profit from it. Mad scientists. And whatever you do..DON”T TAKE ANY OF THEIR FUCKING VACCINES! They want to kill you!

It’s really depressing to say the least. So what do we do? Well I asked YaHuWaH the same thing. Being type “A”,  I’m a doer. I can’t stand sitting by and watching this shit as the world goes to hell and a hand basket. That’s when he assured me that HE HAS MY BACK. It’s not my problem. I am to stay close to him and stay under his “WINGS” of protection. Nothing shall in any means hurt those that belong to him. But you say… They are murdering Christians!!

Well guess what? Christians aren’t part of the covenant. They follow PAUL not YaHuWaH. I told you before to get out of those PAGAN CHRISTMAS/EASTER/ISHTAR following “CHURCHES”.

You have to be grafted into the covenant- the ONE and ONLY Covenant that YaHUWaH presented to Moses on Mt Sinai. THE TOWRAH.  The Torah is the WORD, just as YaHuShuWaH was/is the living embodiment of the WORD. He said he would write the WORD INSIDE OF US if we belong to him. It’s still the SAME WORD. IT never changed. Paul’s words are of the devil,  his Father. He discarded the Torah with his doctrine of GRACE (Gratia) & FAITH (Fides) based on the Muses or Charities. It’s not the same god. They were the daughters of Semiramis or ISIS. So here we come back around to ISIS (The queen of heaven) demanding her BLOOD sacrifices.

There is nothing new under the sun, folks. These demonic demigods know their time is short. They want BLOOD and lots of it.  They appear as angels of light to deceive the nations. Both Paul and Mohammed were deceived in this manner. Paul saying that “Jesus” spoke to him while Mohammed met with “Gabriel”.  Both are LIARS. Wise up. If what they say does not line up with the TOWRAH then then are false prophets.  YaHuWaH is not interested in RELIGION or in Religious followings or starting “Churches”. He HATES RELIGION. He wants a relationship with his children and a FAMILY. He is our PARENT (Our Father) not our LORD. 

If someone is trying to FORCE YOU to join them and their cause or be killed this is of the DEVIL.

Why can’t these Muslims see that? Are they that blinded? I guess so. And you Muslim women..are you CRAZY?? What the hell is wrong with you supporting a Religion where your on par with LIVESTOCK? Muslim women can turn this around. They can be like JAEL. They need to take off that hijab shit and take a feminine stand. Allah ain’t gonna mind, cause he doesn’t exist ladies. It’s all to CONTROL YOU.

I’m just fed up with all of this bullshit. It’s time we SANE people take a stand and say enough is enough…We can’t let these crazies run the world… 


       You were a pussy when YaHuWaH told you to go fight Sisera. Now grow some balls and go get those fricking ISIS radicals or YaHuWaH  will send a woman once again to go do it for you!


Ebola- Coming to a town near you?? Is Medical Martial Law Eminent?

Emory University Hospital is in violation of OSHA Standards to bring Ebola into their facility.
They are not a Class IV biological facility. This is AGAINST THE LAW. WHO authorized this transfer of these patients?? They should be held accountable to the American public. ANY secretions from an infected person are highly contagious !(Blood, Urine, Vomit, Feces). Stabilization of the patients can not be performed without blood work being performed. (i.e. venipuncture, IV therapy, centrifugation, and specimen processing on an auto-analyzer putting technicians at risk). Furthermore, studies show that this virus CAN be transmitted via the air. They are LYING to us…These greedy pharmacology PHD’s wanting to gain access to the patient’s sera to “PLAY” with it and do RESEARCH is f’ing criminal. They should all be jailed. If they wanted to treat the two patients, they should have been taken to a CLASS IV MILITARY underground biological facilty…NOT a public hospital in a major metropolitan area.