Category Archives: Book of Revelation

8/1/14- Message to the Elect of YaHuWaH- The Signs of the Times

A timely message for the Elect from Minister Bennett. Ye are the children of LIGHT.

Tutmoses III and the Battle of Megiddo. Will history repeat itself?

YaHuWaH woke me up the other night and spoke this name to me. He wants us to be acquainted with this pharaoh and the history behind Har’ Meggido and what went on there in a prior battle in antiquity. I find it interesting that this guy bears the name of MOSES . The whole story runs in close conjunction to the Exodus account of the Hebrew Moses. I also find it interesting that he chooses the NARROW WAY through the Aruna Mountain Pass and outsmarts the Assyrians. Some say this is THOTH or HERMES. At any rate, we see a” type ”  here of what is to come.  and a foreshadowing of the final Battle of Armageddon which also will take place in this very location according to the Book of Revelation.  History will repeat itself,  and our own Messiach– YaHushuWaH,  will be our General in this soon to be final showdown battle between GOOD and EVIL.

7/12/14- Back in the Matrix and Isaiah 56. The Word of YaHuWaH.

Rocky Mountains

Sorry I haven’t been writing lately, but I’m back working in the Matrix temporarily and I must say I don’t like it! I don’t know how you folks work 40 hours a week and think you can hear from YaHuWaH because I can’t. I can’t be confined to a time schedule, because He usually talks to me during the wee hours of the night, and then I can’t get on a regular sleep schedule. Right now, I am so sleep deprived that I can barely function. This is NOT a good thing and I miss hearing from God. They have me working my ass off and I’m so keyed up that I can’t sleep. I also think I’m being electronically harassed during my sleep time so I can’t relax… It’s pretty miserable. Can’t wait till this job is OVER!

At any rate, we have some MAJOR ISSUES coming to the forefront here with Israel under attack and all. You have to understand that the people living there ARE NOT the JEWS of the bible. It’s pretty well Rothchild/Kazar controlled. They think they are God’s Elect but THEY ARE NOT…They are Satan’s seed. Brotherhood of the SNAKE and LUCIFERIAN. It’s hard to say what will happen there. Furthermore, there is no such thing as a PALESTINIAN either. There were PHILISTINES that lived there in GAZA at one time, but YaHuWaH wiped them out. That name PALESTINA was a ROMAN TERM. None of those people living over there in Gaza or Jerusalem are the heirs to that land. Most of the REAL Jews are in Syria (and still scattered all over the world), hence that’s why they are trying to wipe Damascus off the map. According to Isaiah Chap 17 this is exactly what’s to happen. It’s a BIG END TIMES marker.

The Word I keep getting from YaHuWaH is ISAIAH 56. In it, YaHuWaH explains that the TRUE ELECT love HIS NAME and KEEP HIS SABBATH.(Saturday). He alone will gather them from all over the planet and bring them to “His Holy Mountain” on His own terms. It’s a covenant relationship between us. He calls the modern day Jews “dogs” in this passage, because they are lazy and greedy and don’t know or even care to know YaHuWaH. The Christian preachers are also mentioned with their “ABUNDANT LIVING” messages (Roman goddess Abundantia). The name it and claim it groups. i.e.Fred Price, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, TD Jakes, etc…They think their traditions of men will deliver and save them.

Furthermore, they do not accept YaHushuWaH as the corporeal manifestation of YaHuWaH who served as our PASSOVER LAMB to put us in right standing with our Creator. They don’t know his NAME and they don’t KNOW HIM. They follow PAUL. There is/was no one EVER named JESUS. Period. That was a ROMAN FABRICATION (via Shaoul-Paul) to blot out the TRUE NAME of God and to appease the DIONYSIS/MITHRAIC SUN- WORSHIPPING PAGANS.

There is only one TRUE GOD and HE has only ONE NAME.




The Word of YaHuWaH for 7-4-14. And it’s Not Happy 4th of July!

This post is still relevant from last year at this time!


Washing in the Word of our Elohim Washing in the Word of our Elohim

Jeremiah 34:13-20.

13 Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel; I made a covenant with your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondmen, saying,

14 At the end of seven years let ye go every man his brother an Hebrew, which hath been sold unto thee; and when he hath served thee six years, thou shalt let him go free from thee: but your fathers hearkened not unto me, neither inclined their ear.

15 And ye were now turned, and had done right in my sight, in proclaiming liberty every man to his neighbour; and ye had made a covenant before me in the house which is called by my name:

16 But ye turned and polluted my name, and caused every man his servant, and every…

View original post 674 more words

Al- Uzza=ISIS. The Queen of Heaven, The Muses and She-Goats of Ha Satan. The Mohammed Islamic Connection.


Al-Uzza (“The Most Mighty”) is a pre-Islamic Arabian Goddess, the youngest in the triad of Goddesses with Menat (“Time”, the death or fate Goddess, sometimes called the Goddess of the full moon, since the moon in Arabia was masculine) and Al Lat (whose name means “The Goddess”, as Al Lah means “The God”). They survived (a bit) even into Islam, where they are called in the Koran the three daughters of Allah. The trio were worshipped as uncut aniconic stones, and the “idols” of Al-Uzza and Al Lat were two of the three hundred plus pagan statues at the Ka’aba that were destroyed by Mohammed. (The Black, Red, and White Stones- The Black stone of the Modern day Kabba in Mecca) She is a star Goddess, associated with the planet Venus, and was honored by the Koreishites (incidentally Mohammed’s tribe) as one of their highest Goddesses. She was reputed to accept human sacrifices, though that comes from Islamic sources, who likely were not unbiased when writing about the “barbarous ways” of the competition.

Originally Sabean (the culture of the kingdom of Saba or Sheba in the south of Arabia, present-day Yemen), worship of Al-Uzza spread all over Arabia. She had a sanctuary in a valley on the road from Mecca, comprising three acacia trees in which She was said to descend. Some scholars believe She may even have been the patron deity of Mecca itself.

The Greeks connected Her with their Ourania (“The Heavenly”, an epithet of Aphrodite, as well as the name of a Muse) and with Caelistis, a moon Goddess and the Roman name for the Carthaginian Tanit, and VENUS.. 

Al-Uzza is also  identified with ISIS. Other sources link Her with Minerva or Athene which could make Her a virgin warrior Goddess. Herodotus says the supreme Goddess of the Arabs was Ourania, who he says was called Alilat (i.e., Al Lat), and indeed Al-Uzza was sometimes confused with Al Lat, leading some scholars to wonder if Al Lat and Al-Uzza are different regional names for the same Goddess.

Al-Uzza is a member of the Nabatean zodiac and has been called the Mistress of Heaven. She seems to have been the premier Goddess worshipped in their capital city, the famous Petra, located in present-day Jordan. Petra was a major stop on the spice roads and was a very wealthy city. The tombs or temples there are carved out of the living rock, and the main way into the city is through a dramatic tunnel-like narrow gorge, nearly a mile long, that suddenly opens on to the city.

Al-Uzza is also the Goddess who guards ships on ocean voyages. (Same as ISIS). Though Arabia is a land of deserts and nomads, the Nabateans did make ocean voyages to trade. In this aspect She is symbolized by the dolphin, (FISH GODDESS) whose habit of swimming alongside ships made them guardians and protectors. Felines are also sacred to Her, and the Temple of the Winged Lions at Petra may well be Hers.

Al-Uzza represents confidence, vigilance and preparation. She is fiercely protective, and is a strong ally in an approaching battle.

Alternate spelling: Al Uzza, al-‘Uzza, El-‘Ozza, Uzza, Izza.

Also called: Sa’ida ‘Uzza (“Blessed Uzza”), as-S’ida (“The Blessed”)

She is of her father the DEVIL.

ISIS- Islamic State of Iraq and Syria- NOT!!! A Spiritual Study of ISIS- Queen of Heaven, Whore of Babylon

ISIS-The Whore Of Babylon

ISIS-The Whore Of Babylon

You gotta be kidding me… We have been talking about ISIS for a long time now and spiritually she is known as


She is the arch enemy of YaHuWaH. We talked about the Syrian connection to ISIS with her mother being DEMETER. (THE FISH GODDESS) . The connection runs through Greece and Rome as well. ISIS was worshipped by many names. Semiramis, Ceres, Venus, Fides, … just to name a few. You think this is just a coincidence that they named this terrorist group this? No! It’s all related! The Roman Catholic church worships DEMETER/ISIS still, and has just switched the name to Mary now- The new name for the Queen of Heaven. Likewise, the Syrians worship her as well.

We’re going to do a review of the articles I have written pertaining to all of this as it now becoming clear to me that the one World Religion of the Antichrist will be once again the worship of the QUEEN OF HEAVEN- ISIS. SHE IS Part and parcel with HA SATAN- THE SHE-GOAT.

The articles we need to review are all listed under the NEW CATEGORY “ISIS”.

Please note the connection also with the baby “MONA” LISA IRWIN CASE also.  YaHuWaH is putting together all of the puzzle pieces now and the whole scenario is starting to come together for me and I hope it does for you also. SATAN  was/is  a Hermaphrodite having both male & female personas. We talked about the whole Venus/Phosphorus/Hesperus thing also, and the Vatican connection as well. The Diana/Artemis, Horus/Set (her son), dichotomies. We see it in the Mayan culture also. The FOUR BEASTS OF DANIEL CHAP 7 are describing these 4 facets of the same beast (HA SATAN) I think. We discussed the four beasts at length, but at the time I didn’t realize that they were describing FOUR ASPECTS and Manifestations of SATAN over different time spans and cultures. Well maybe, maybe not. This remains to be exposed. He was a CHERUBIM before he fell and if we look in Revelation we see that Cheribim have  FOUR FACES.

I’m still looking through a glass darkly as are you, but  time will tell and the TRUTH will PREVAIL.

YAHUSHUWAH is the TRUTH &  ISIS/Semiramis  is his ENEMY.

She is a chameleon. Able to shape shift and present as FEMALE/NURTURER/MOTHER GODDESS.

The Queen of Heaven- Her name is ISIS and her VATICAN funded “Islamic” terrorist group bears her name. She built the Tower of Babel and She is

the Whore of Babylon.


Endtimelect Update 6/12/14- The Rapture & the High Places

Rocky Mountains

Well I’ve been busy moving and starting a new full time job here recently, so I haven’t been on top of the blog quite as I usually would be. I just wanted to give you all  a head’s up about that, because YaHuWaH wouldn’t move me out and off the coast if it weren’t important. I spent 6 months looking for a place to live in the mountains on my own time and nothing ever came of it. And I looked where I wanted to go. Well, He knows best, and it took a WEEK and I’m in the Rockies on the top of a mountain and working full time. ONE WEEK. Something big is getting ready to happen I think. He had been telling me to head for the hills now for a year but nothing was clicking.

Number one, I refuse to work on the Shabbat so that was really limiting my job offers. Especially working in Healthcare. I told all my prospective employers upfront that that was a deal breaker for me and I didn’t work for a year! YaHuWaH wanted me all to himself during that time. Even now, I feel backslid having to go to a job in this world system. You folks don’t know what you are missing by spending hours with him and learning about the secrets of his universe(s). I’d take that over this MATRIX bullshit any day. I have to trust that He is looking out for my safety and livelihood with this move. I know He has my best interest in mind.

Well back to the move. I moved so fast from just above sea level to 8,000 feet that I got AMS. Acute Mountain Sickness- Better known as Altitude Sickness. Never in a million years did I even think of that! I had been to Denver numerous times and not once got anything like this. Fortunately it is beginning to pass now after 5 days. It makes you feel like your drunk, disoriented, dehydrated, and sleep deprived. I didn’t sleep but a couple of hours for 4 days! I could hardly breath at night (The time when it’s worse) and just climbing stairs would leave me breathless. Really scarey stuff. NOBODY told me about this… YaHuWaH must be phasing me in gradually for major earth changes.

Folks, let me be clear. Shit usually happens to me first. It’s ALWAYS been that way. As an ELECT, we get the judgement first. Nuff said. I’ve been talking about POLE SHIFT now for quite some time. It could be getting ready to blow here shortly    OR

There may be an imminent terrorist attack in the USA that would be devastating, such as a dirty bomb, nuke, or New Madrid Earthquake. Something really major. I warned you about the three Military bases to stay away from as well, and I was living very close to one of them myself. Not anymore! If your on the coastline this may be your final warning to move inland. As we said earlier, you need to be at least 1000′ above sea level if a Tsunami were to hit. An incoming meteor/asteroid  would mean even HIGHER.

Some say 10,000ft.

Well, I learned that’s not an easy change to make. You get sick…It’s a drastic change to your Hemoglobin capacity to carry O2 because the air is so much thinner at that height. As a result your body starts making more blood cells and you dehydrate rapidly. You have to drink PLENTY of water. I even got some bloody noses which I never get because of seepage into your capillaries.

Well, enough about me. What about You? What’s your ESCAPE PLAN? The RAPTURE? I’ve been raptured folks and I’m still on planet earth. I’m just quite a bit higher up! The Rapture is a state of being in fellowship with YaHuWaH. He will preserve and protect you if you place him first in your life. It surely is every bit worth it! NOBODY’S company can compare to Him!  I’ve had great sex in my life and that doesn’t even come close either… You don’t know what you are missing till you come face to face with God!

I can’t wait to be able to spend eternity learning and exploring the universe with Him.

TODAY is the Day of Salvation. TODAY is the Day of the Rapture.

Set your mind and your affections on YaHuWaH.

You won’t be disappointed.


5/26/14- Memorial Day- The Oration of the Ruach Ha’Kodesh. Isaiah 1:18

Come Let Us Reason Together

Come Let Us Reason Together

I just want to send a personal message out there today for all of the Elect of YaHuWaH. I don’t know about you,  but things have been pretty silent and calm here with me for the past few days. I don’t know what is brewing, but I don’t like the fact that Pope Francis is in Israel. That shill is EVIL. They are wanting to set up a one world religion now (Chrislam) which we have all been warned about.

All RELIGION is man-made.

Anything that has a COLLECTIVE, COMMUNISTIC, mentality is not of YaHuWaH. God made us as INDIVIDUALS. We all have unique fingerprints, ear biometrics, and retina’s. We are all entitled to our own thoughts, ideas, creativity, and expression.

Political correctness is NOT OF GOD. You don’t go along to get along. These radical leftist extremists preach TOLERANCE and yet they are the most INTOLERANT bunch of hypocrites  out there!

YaHuShuWaH (Jesus) was NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT, and you shouldn’t be either! He came down on the establishment of his day. Sure he preached love thy NEIGHBOR – but “HIS NEIGHBOR” had qualifiers. He gave the parable about the GOOD SAMARITAN to show that it was the essence of the person’s intent of their heart that made them YOUR NEIGHBOR. If they wanted to rip you off, steal from you, one up you, look down on you, force you to conform to their ideology, etc… then, THEY ARE NOT YOUR NEIGHBOR. PERIOD.

YaHuWaH wiped out many cities in the past. Was that unloving?? Hell no… They were reprobates to his WORD and INSTRUCTIONS about how they should be living their lives. They didn’t have any regard for their Creator or his TORAH, and they manufactured their own gods to suit their own agendas. Mankind has been doing this for thousands of years.

The Roman Catholic Church is probably the worst (The Whore of Babylon), along with Mohammed and Islam. Combining the two will make HELL ON EARTH for sure. That’s Ha Satan’s plan. There just doesn’t seem to be any getting around it. Your not going to be raptured off of the Earth unless you are part of his Elect… Even then, that is circumspect. YaHuWaH did promise  to make a way THROUGH the TRIBULATION. He said he would spread his wings over us like a mother hen. He would COVER US.

I’ve been watching CNN pretty frequently since the whole MH370 jet disappeared, and the whole scenario is pathetic. They have to create most of these dramas to have a job. A lot of stuff is just plain staged. Life is actually pretty mundane for most of us, while it’s entertainment to them. Something to watch. Just like the Romans liked killing for sport. Pretty much nothing has changed.

The majority of people are content with being in the Matrix. It’s not til they get older, that they  realize -Hey wait a minute! WTF have I been being played for all my life? What a fool I am! I go to work everyday (or NOT). I pay my bills, buy their crap, eat their GMO food. Get their engineered  diseases, go to their doctors, buy their drugs…(OR alcohol). Pay for their real estate which they own- not you.( If you do own it outright, they will make damn sure to try to steal it back from you through eminent domain, government regulations, EPA, etc…)

You gotta laugh and give this shit up folks…IT’S TEMPORAL.

They want to KILL YOU if and when you stop producing for them and paying in to their system. Now they are totally overloading the system with indigent who don’t produce anything. That’s to finish off the rest of you who are. To make you angry as hell to fight over your shit which you worked so hard to get and these lowlife haven’t done anything to deserve anything. Level the playing field for the middle class so it’s totally wiped out and the 1% elitists at the top have it all at your expense.


I don’t know what the answer is, except that our World Governments are totally out of control,  and they run the governments behind the scenes. When I say THEY,  I mean the DEMONIC PRINCIPALITIES governing our planet. It’s all a test to see where your priorities are.


do you love what He can do for you? Most people want HIS STUFF or a GET OUT OF HELL FREE PASS .

It’s time to get SERIOUS with our Creator folks. DO WHAT IS RIGHT! CLEAN UP YOUR ACTS. Be CONSISTENT in your life. BE HONEST and TRUTHFUL. YaHushuWaH is the WAY OF TRUTH. You can’t be living a LIE and think you are pleasing God.  AND

if  YOUR TRUTH is inconsistent with GOD’s TRUTH (HIS WORD)  then guess who needs to change? DUH?

The word MEMORIAL stems from two words. MEM and ORIAL. Mem as we discussed in a prior post about the Kabbalah comes from the Feminine Ruach Ha’ Kodesh side of YaHuWaH’s Tree of Life. The WATER/EMOTIONAL  SIDE. Orial is to Orate speech, to proclaim,  and is verbally driven. The AIR/INTELLECTUAL SIDE.

The Word of YaHuWaH today is Isaiah 1:18.

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. It’s time to REPENT!


Time is running out…Make this day a Memorial to Yourself.

This is the day I gave my life back to God.

His name is YaHuWaH. Every knee shall bow at that name.

Yah Bless and Keep Your Children.


The Urim and Thummim- God’s First Laptop (Breastplate) Computer!

red pill and a shopping cart

YaHuWah is so awesome! He showed me this mystery today and I was floored to say the least! Everyone thinks that the Urim and Thummin were two articles of divination that were inserted into the high priest’s breastplate. Well NO–OOO. The breastplate itself was a COMPUTER! The gemstones would emanate colored lights of various spectral frequencies. It was a language of LIGHTS- kinda like morse code only with flashes of different light colors and frequencies, each meaning different things. It was a celestial communication with YaHuWaH. Only the HIGH PRIEST could interpret the code as he had the Urim and Thummin to do so. So what was that?? They were computer programs! The “DISCS” has to be inserted into the breastplate to be able to decipher the code. Now whether they were physical discs or not doesn’t really matter. Personally I think the discs were downloaded into the priests DNA and stored in his HEART. When the body of the priest put on the Breastplate, then the computer would work properly and God’s will could be determined properly. If the discs were physical there would be the chance that someone could steal them for their own  illicit gain. That was why the priests were so reverenced. They alone had the specific encoded DNA to properly wear the breastplate computer of the most HIGH ELOHIM.  The breastplate itself is a “Laptop” version if you will, of God’s mainframe computer in Heaven. The throne of God also has the same technology being made up of the same jewels but on a much larger scale of course. The priestly caste were the descendants of the ELOHIM so they alone had the specific DNA downloaded to them to be able to communicate to their ancestors.

In Nehemiah 7:65, the word states that they were not to eat of  “the most holy things” until a priest STOOD UP WITH URIM AND THUMMIM. In other words, the priest was unique and possessed these two qualities or items on his person. It was something bestowed on the person by Almighty God himself to serve as a direct spokesperson for him on the earth in matters of sovereign judgement and moral and ethical decision-making according to his will. Even today, UR means that it came from SUMERIA and it is a computer program used today. The Thummim is much more vague…I think it was EDIBLE.

Perhaps there is some correlation to TOM THUMB. This was a children’s fairytale about a thumb sized PERSON. There are many such references to such people’s across history and across continents. Could these be the Thummim? King Arthur supposedly had Tom Thumb in his court. Furthermore Tom Thumb was always getting SWALLOWED by something. Being so small he could be INGESTED. It’s my theory that the THUMMIM was ingested. It was “The things most holy” that get eaten. Perhaps a psychedelic drug. They were like the little scrolls that we see getting eaten throughout the bible where then the recipient has full knowledge of the WORD and God’s plans. Kinda like a divine PILL. The RED pill in the MATRIX that OPENS THE THIRD EYE so that you can see into the higher realms and discern TRUTH from the MATRIX LIE all around us. 

You couldn’t, however , have one without the other and be in the will of YaHuWaH. People can be drugged out on all kinds of stuff and be as demonic as can be! You had to have the TEMPLATE program of URIM to rightly discern the TRUTH. The THUMMIN was just a gateway drug if you will to open the chakras, specifically the HEART chakra where then the URIM could initiate the computer program of YaHuWaH.

HAH! Our God Reigns Superb!

How do you computer geeks (Amorites)  like that one??



Peleg, Pangaea, and Poleshift- Genesis 10:25, Isaiah 24:20


There is nothing new under the Sun, and pole shift is no exception. In the book of Genesis, after Noah’s flood, we have the first mention made of a pole shift occurring on the face of the earth. When YaHuWaH originally made the dry land and the oceans it was all one land mass. One piece. The continents were not divided as they are today.

This land mass in our recorded history was known as Pangaea. (there were other names and configurations prior to our Bible story Epoch, but those were for prior ages not associated with Ha ADAM.)Fossil evidence for Pangaea includes the presence of similar and identical species on continents that are now great distances apart. Additional evidence for Pangaea is found in the geology of adjacent continents, including matching geological trends between the eastern coast of South America and the western coast of Africa. The name is derived from:


Gaia as we know was the name of the Earth and Pan we know was that devilish character with the cloven hoofs. They were already busy at work corrupting the populace and the Tower of Babel was being built under NIMROD, one of his progeny. YaHuWaH disperses them and confounds there language, creating the first Babylon. So how did he do that? POLESHIFT. People run to the hills, die, drown, earthquakes, landslides, whatever… Total chaos ensues. The continents are slid apart to further geographically provide barriers among the people. An ice age also sets in after the pole shift occurs due to clouding of the atmosphere from volcanic eruptions, and many more die from starvation, lack of food, disease, lack of sunlight etc…

So how do we know this? Well the bible says “Peleg” lived during this time. Peleg means DIVISION. The time when the Earth was DIVIDED. Gen 10:25. This was after the construction of the  Tower of Babel was initiated. If you notice the ages of Peleg’s  predessessors, you can see that they all lived to be over 400 years of age. After Peleg, however, that number drops to HALF of that. 200+ years!! It cuts the human lifespan in HALF!!! It was that TRAUMATIC of an event. That would be like us living to be 40 years old nowadays. I’d be dead already if that were the case.

This shows that something happened suddenly and globally. There was no continental drift. That came after the fact. It was instantaneous. It was cataclysmic. It put those high tech people back in the dark ages. The same thing happened to Atlantis in a prior age. The same thing will happen in our age. The bible is very clear about this. Read Rev. Chapter 6.  YaHuWaH will make the Earth TURN UPSIDE DOWN and REEL TO AND FRO. like a DRUNKARD. (Isaiah 24:20). The Elohim have the means and technology to do this, and He will not be usurped. It has happened numerous times in the past. It is a judgement set against Collectivism and the Hive Mind Saturnian mentality.
He alone is GOD.


His name is YaHuWaH.
